Three Easy Steps To Make A Donation Of Securities

Step 1

Please download and complete all sections of the Securities Transfer Form and the Gift of Securities Form.

For privacy reasons, your broker cannot disclose your name to us, so please be sure to complete the Donor Information section, including your daytime phone number with area code.

Your advisor/broker will provide the CUSIP # which acts like a transaction number in case the transfer needs to be tracked.

Step 2

Please notify Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation for processing by faxing a copy of the completed transfer form and pledge form to the number below.

It is important for us to receive your name and address details because securities are transferred into our account without your name.

We value every gift and want to provide you with an accurate tax receipt and appropriate recognition to honour your donation.


Michael Fairn Administrative Assistant
Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation
PO Box 730, 462 Main Street
Middleton, Nova Scotia B0S 1P0
Tel: (902) 825-4202
Fax: (902) 825-5110
Email: [email protected]

Please note: Stock-trading information should not be communicated electronically and therefore should not be submitted through unsecured email or left on voicemail.

Step 3

Fax or send the completed transfer form to your broker or investment advisor.

Your broker or investment advisor is responsible for initiating the transfer.

Additional Information

  • Shares/stocks are considered legally transferred only when our custodial agent confirms delivery.
  • Your receipt will be valued based on the closing price on the day when the shares are legally transferred to Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation’s account at our custodial agent, BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
  • Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation’s policy for the sale of donated securities is to sell the shares as soon as possible after they have been received.

Thank you for your generosity!