How To Leave A Legacy Or Estate Gift

Thank you for your interest in leaving a legacy in the form of an estate gift supporting Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation.

An estate gift to the Foundation will help to ensure continued quality healthcare for citizens of the Bridgetown to Aylesford area and beyond through the purchase of essential equipment and programming at Soldiers Memorial Hospital.

Please Note: We strongly recommend that your gift is made in consultation with an estate/financial planner and with your family, as appropriate.

Foundation Information

Legal name and proper beneficiary for the gift: Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation

462 Main Street
PO Box 730
Middleton NS  B0S 1P0

Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Business Number: 119155976RR0001.

Sample Will Clauses

You may choose to designate your gift to a specific program or initiative. To be confident that the gift is properly designated, please contact us for assistance in clause wording.

Suggested Will clause wording for an unrestricted use legacy.

“I give the sum of —- dollars to Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation to be used for its general purposes as Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation sees fit.”

Suggested Will clause wording for unrestricted use gift of residue.

“I give the residue (OR % of the residue) of my estate to Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation to be used for its general purposes as Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation sees fit.”

Suggested Will clause wording for a restricted use legacy.

“I give the sum of —- dollars to Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation to be used for _____________.

If unforeseen circumstances make the specified use of this gift no longer practical or desirable as determined by the Board of Directors of Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation (“the Foundation Board”), the Board may change the terms of the specified use, such change to be in keeping as far as possible with the general intent of this gift.”

Suggested Will clause wording for restricted use of a residuary gift.

“I give the residue (OR % of the residue) of my estate to Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation to be used for ____________. If unforeseen circumstances make the specified use of this gift no longer practical or desirable, as determined by the Board of Directors of Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation (“the Foundation Board”), the Foundation Board may change the terms of the specified use, such change to be in keeping as far as possible with the general intent of this gift.”

Thank You!

Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation is deeply grateful for the wonderful legacy gifts that donors like you have the vision to include in their estates.

These gifts allow us to work effectively to support the work of Soldiers Memorial Hospital through needs the Hospital has identified, and to ensure continued quality healthcare for our community.
We wish to recognize such donors during their lifetime and will be working in the near future to create a Soldiers Memorial Legacy Society to recognize these significant commitments.

Thank you for your thoughtful support of Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation and securing a healthy future for our region.

If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.